Latest Software from Avanset:
VCE Exam Simulator
VCE Exam Simulator BASIC
Open and play VCE files to recreate certification exam environment with interactive engine & multiple question types
VCE Exam Simulator PRO
Create and edit your VCE exams to practice yourself & share with others.
Take your exam practice with you: play VCE exams on your iPhone, iPad, or any Android device.
Learn more![img](images/vcePhonescr.png)
VCE Exam Simulator
Professional interactive exam preparation on your desktop
VCE Player for Mac
VCE Exam Simulator Software for Mac OS
VCE Mobile
VCE Exam Simulator apps for iOS and Android
- VCE Mobile
- Open VCE files
- VCE Online
- VCE Crack
- VCE Manager
- VCE Software
- VCE Exam Suite
- VCE Testing System
- VCE Designer
Exploring the Benefits and Using VCE Practice Exams
Starting to use VCE exams is easy. In this section, we provide you with a quick overview of the process to teach you how to use pre-made files, assuming, the file that you found online:
Register With Avanset and choose your plan and subscription option (more info about registering with Avanset is available here)
Once you complete the registration, you will get access to the following software: VCE Player (allows users to play VCE exams and in included in the BASIC and PRO packages) and VCE Designer (if you purchased the PRO package, and this software enables you to create and edit your own VCE exams).
Now that you're all set to playing your VCE exams, so it's time to download a few VCEs online (if you don't have any yet). We recommend ExamCollection for VCE exam download. Registering at ExamCollection is free and only takes a few minutes, and once you complete your registration, you can start downloading VCE practice exams. You can learn more about registering and using ExamCollection here.
One of the main advantages of ExamCollection is that users can leave comments and upvote the VCE exams they like, so you can see whether or not the file is trustworthy and should be downloaded. For example, let’s try the top rated VCE exam download of Microsoft's 70-680 exam. Once you are logged in, you can just open the file and download it:
Be sure to save your VCE exam download on your hard drive:
Let's try to play the file with your VCE Player. First, open the application, and click add to add your vce practice exam download:
Once done, your VCE practice exam will appear in the list of your exams. Similarly you'll be able to add other VCE downloads to this menu:
By clicking Start, you will begin practicing with your VCE practice exam. VCE Player allows you to lookup the answer, save session, go back to unanswered questions, review your answers, and other additional features:
VCE practice exams may vary in a number of questions and include various question types, as different as multiple choice questions, fill in the blank, select and place/drag-n-drop questions, create a tree, build list and reorder, drop and connect, point and shoot questions (where you have to pick a point on the image), hot area questions (picking an area out of the few options given). The questions can also be in foreign languages and non-English characters, all of which are supported by the software.
This was a quick overview of VCE practice exam downloads, and how to start using them. Be sure to explore other sections to find more details about VCE practice exams and VCE Exam Simulator.